Cilento boroughs​
Place: Cilento (SA)
Distance from Pilaccio: 4 to 63 km
Journey time: 10 to 100 minutes
Time to visit: 1/4 hours
The region of Cilento is characterized not only by its renowned crystalline sea but also by the presence of numerous little boroughs, each of them with its history and traditions. Such a rich and varied cultural heritage is waiting for you to be rediscovered along routes always new and rich in surprises.
Perdifumo. It is the borough in which the Estate lies and dates back to the XI century. Its name derives from the fact that it was built near a stream (from the Latin pes de flumine = pere-de-flumine in the local dialect). Walking in the maze of its narrow alleys you can see ancient houses built in stone, a XVI century fountain, the Church of San Sisto and Giardulli Palace, now converted into a museum where there is an ancient oil-press. In the nearby hamlet of Vatolla you will be able to visit Vargas Palace, an ancient fortress where the famous philosopher Gian Battista Vico lived for several years. The palace has been recently restored and turned into the Study Center G. B. Vico and is the site of meetings and conferences.
Castellabate is a typical medieval borough, built around the year 1000 on a high rocky coast to defend the inhabitants from Saracen attacks. Its name derives from the Castle of the Abbot, built there in 1123 to grant the control on the bay underneath, from Punta Licosa to Punta Tresino. Narrow lanes and staircases and picturesque archs will guide you to the discovery of a borough where time seems to have crystallized. The Basilica of Santa Maria de Giulia, with its Renaissance façade, is only one of the architectonic wonders of this ancient village, rich in memories and artistic and cultural remains. From the rectangular square of the village you can enjoy the view of the valley that degradates towards the crystal-clear waters of Punta Licosa.
Weird as well as moving is a visit to Rescigno Vecchia, a small village abandoned by its inhabitants at the beginning of the Twentieth Century. The visit will enable you to stroll around the narrow streets of the centre, observing the typical structure of a Cilento village: the assuming little mansions of the upper class and their family chapels as well as the poor houses once inhabitated by peasants and a church of the eighteenth century. In the Museum of the Rural House you can see ancient photos, objects and tools of everyday life at that time. At about two kilometres from the new village, Rescigno Nuova, it is possible to visit the archeological site of Mount Pruno, where there are remains of a huge settlement of Enotrians and Lucans, dating back to a period that goes from the VII to the III centuries b.C.
The same destiny was also shared by San Severino di Centola built in the Thirteenth century. Abandoned in the same period of Rescigno Vecchia it lies on top of a rocky hill at the foot of a castle in a strategic position.The atmosphere you can breathe there is particularly moving.
Also extremely fascinating is the village of Acciaroli lying on the coast of the gorgeous blue sea of Cilento; it has been rewarded for years by a particular prize, the ‘Bandiera Blu’, given to it thanks to the purity of its sea water and to the quality of its touristic services. Yet it is especially by night that this coast village gives its best, when its narrow streets, lit up by the many little shops, coffee bars and restaurants, are flooded by young people and families on vacation.